Student Solution


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Leading companies for diversity

Leading companies for diversity

Q Question 1: Everyone responds to question 1 The Abreu article you were asked to read this week presents a list of benefits for an organization in developing a culturally diverse workforce. Select one of the benefits Ms. Abreu identified and summarize your understanding of the benefit and why you believe this benefit is important. Use the recommended articles to support your arguments and views. Be sure to explain your ideas and support your arguments fully. And last, what does do these benefits mean to you as an HRM? What policies might you develop and implement as HRM to ensure your company achieves these benefits?

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The provided article speaks about the significance of the culturally developed diverse workforce. With the constant usage of the modern technology, the business industry and the marketplace have become globalized and diverse in a proper manner. According to Ms. Abreu, the creativity within the team can be developed with the diverse people. It has been observed that the individuals from different cultural and social background have different kind of thoughts that can be needed for making the creative decision and the tasks fir the future of the organization (Abreu, 2018).